Wash your hands
Unshell the tamarind
Rinse out the shelled tamarind with cold tap water
Place them in the saucepan
Add 1 cup of hot water to the pan and boil for 5 minutes
Turn off the fire and drain out the hot tamarind juice into the jar
Add 1 cup of cold water onto the tamarind
Wash your hands
Squash the boiled tamarind with your hand to extract the tamarind paste
Pour the juice into the jar
Add half a cup of cold water again, mix and pour out the juice into the jar
Get rid of the seeds and wash the saucepan clean.
Sieve the juice back into the pan and add the millet flour
Mix well to a smooth consistency
Strain it carefully into the jar, leaving some residue in the pan
Add half a cup of cold water and drain gently leaving the bits with the soil in the pan
Wash it off and now pour the jar content into the clean saucepan